I've recently completed my Ph.D. with Prof. Avishai Dekel at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and am applying for Post-Doc positions. I am currently working on a research project on the thermodynamic evolution of the gas in the filaments of the cosmic web with Dr. Yuval Birnboim.
When not staring into a computer screen I enjoy climbing, capoeira and cooking with my wife and 2 children (and those are only my hobbies starting with 'c').

Galaxy clusters and the Intra-Cluster Medium (ICM)
Ph.D. Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Advisor: Prof. Avishai Dekel
Thesis: Structure and Properties of the Intra-Cluster Medium and the Role of Gas Streams
Galaxy formation and evolution
Hydrodynamical simulations
The effects of coffee consumption on cosmologists. This is a pet project I've been collecting data about religiously for the last 10 years...
M.Sc. HebrewUniversity of Jerusalem
Advisor: Prof. Avishai Dekel
Thesis: Cold Flows in a Hot Medium: A New Scenario of Angular Momentum Accretion in Forming Galaxies
B.Sc. Physics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Advisor: Prof. Avishai Dekel
Undergraduate research: Momentum Correlation of Dark Matter Halos